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Moving Tips

  • Make your reservations for movers two to four weeks before your move day.

  • For large appliances be sure to check your owner’s manuals to see if there are special instructions for moving.

  • Don’t try to get rid of your children’s favourite things before the move – even if it makes it easier. Kids sometimes have a hard time dealing with the change of the move itself.

  • By law, a moving company can’t transport hazardous materials such as gasoline, bottled gases (propane tanks, etc.) and other flammables, firearms, ammunition, or explosives.

  • Pack a box of essential items that you will need immediately after the move and make sure it’s the last thing added to the truck.

  • Clean out closets, the attic, and the basement as soon as you decide it’s time to move.

  • Make a “survival closet” of things for the last cleanup before you move out – broom, dust cloth, dust pan, mop.

  • Remember to get snacks for move day.

  • Schedule disconnect times for about a week before your move day -- you don’t want to have to pay for cable, phone and utilities when you aren’t even there!

  • Cancel newspapers, cable, pest control, cleaning help, lawn services about a week before the move.

  • Mail in your change of address forms about a week before your move date.

  • Clean your stove before you move out.

  • The day before your move, defrost the fridge.

  • Make sure to get enough cash to get you through move day.

  • Take time to say goodbye to friends and neighbours before your busy move day.

  • If you are depending on friends and family to help you move, have a back-up plan if they don’t show.

  • And we will make the rest SIMPLE!

Moving With Kids

Moving can be one of the most stressful events in your life, and it can be made even more stressful by having kids to look after while you are moving. Moving with kids is not always the ideal situation, but in many cases, it must be done. When you are moving, it should be your priority to try and keep the moving environment safe and kid-friendly or know how to separate your moving activities from your children. If you have children but are planning a big move that could potentially interfere with your everyday family life, we can help you execute your move in a better and easier way.

Tips For Moving With Kids

If you are going to be embarking on a move with small children, there are some actions you can take to make the entire process easier for both yourself and your children. Here are some of the best things you can do when starting the moving process:

  • Organization

  • Make it a game!

  • Communicate with your children

  • Hire a reputable company

  • Safety first

If you are able to follow these pillars, you should be able to enjoy a successful and safe move with your children. Let us take care of the rest.


If you are looking for a moving company that you can trust, then look no further. There is a reason that we are one of the most successful companies in the region and people continue to choose us. We have vast experience in the moving industry and have helped hundreds of families with children relocate and move across the country.


It’s overwhelming to put everything into boxes and bags, but not everything has to come with you. If you have some extra clutter and belongings you never use around the house, now is the time to get rid of them. Before you start putting things into boxes, go through your house and get rid of the stuff you no longer use.


This means

less to pack and fewer items to arrange in the new home.

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